Fortunately, our first bird is a small boobok owl called Biscuit.
The story is about an impertinent red squirrel named Nutkin and his narrow escape from an owl called Old Brown.
It was given to the family of Brome by an owl called Emalet/'the mousemaid answered as she rummaged in her herb satchel.
An owl called into the silence and at the sound shivers ran down my body, for its cry is an omen of the approach of some dire calamity.
A little owl called "Kee-wik, kee-wik" and something - a vole or a shrew - gave a sudden squeal.
Midnoon saw a visitor to the Abbey, a tawny female owl called Wudbeak.
The show is about a wise old owl called Wide Eye who lives in the heart of Natterjack Forest with his young son Little Hoot, and the lad's best friend Flea.
In the beech tree, over the boulder, the owl called, for all the bitter frost warm in his golden feathers, and soon Erika was in her fleece of down, sleeping the sleep of the young and the innocent and the pure of heart.
Somewhere an owl called; once, twice, three times.
After a while, during which at least three separate nightjars churred and one owl called, she said, 'Stephen, you do me infinite honour, and it grieves me more than I can say to desire you to dismiss the subject from your mind.