Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian workers, who also are owed wages, are also on strike.
The 56 employees who have been running the plant since the end of 2001, though owed wages, had not followed the procedures established by the city ordinance to gain control.
He owes wages and needs charcoal and ore and quicksilver, among other things, but hasn't enough money to buy it all.
However, Andrei Frascarelli claimed Guarani owed him wages and asked the court to grant the rights of Bruno to him.
They were the last of the original crew and are still owed wages.
In 2009, Persikad experiencing severe financial crisis that makes the management team to the players owed wages for 11 months.
"This guy says you owe him wages," he called.
He also claimed his former club Necaxa still owed him wages.
Yet the miners consider themselves lucky to have jobs, even though they are owed wages dating from September.
The season was wound up in 1915 due to the wall, with Scott-Walford once again owed wages by his club.