A struggling comedian owes money to the owner of a nightclub.
A major issue is around £2m owed to the most recent owner, Raj Singh, who put Darlington into administration this month.
The fee is owed to the owner of the Project Gutenberg-tm trademark, but he has agreed to donate royalties under this paragraph to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.
He has no equity in it to borrow against and, what's more, he is being further squeezed by the payments he owes to the previous owner.
After weeks of trying, all he could establish was that the Government owed additional money to the owner of a large house.
A major issue is around £2m owed to the most recent owner, Raj Singh, who put Darlington into administration earlier this month, and how much of that debt an investor would have to settle.
They buy seed on shares and owe shares of their output to the owner of the land.