The programme owes its popularity to its unique formula: In each episode, one particular problem from the field of science or technology was addressed.
However, patent leather primarily owes its popularity to Seth Boyden.
Thackeray's famous book owes half its popularity to the happy name he borrowed from John Bunyan.
Marković owed his popularity to his image of a new, modern Western-styled politician.
The flower owes its popularity to its season of bloom.
They owed their popularity to hell-fire scenes and magic tricks performed by the devils.
As one who owes his popularity to the new technology, he may now suffer because of it.
It sounds so sinister when attached to a tournament that owes its popularity, in part, to those innocent brackets.
But it is not right to say that she owes her popularity entirely to Nelson Mandela.
The auteurs of this era owe their popularity to the support they received with their youthful audience.