Shanahan still maintains - all these years later - that Davis owes him financial compensation from that dismissal, something Davis denies.
That suit was dismissed, but the United States claimed on behalf of the owners against the British government, and the court judged that the government did owe compensation.
According to him, he was owed compensation for $500,000 worth of equipment, mostly computers, weapons and cameras, that was confiscated by the Afghan government when he was arrested.
GAIS claimed that Rangers owed them £240,000 compensation for the transfer of Celik.
Speakers told an energetic crowd on the National Mall today that blacks in the United States were owed compensation for two centuries of slavery and discrimination.
The Financial Services Authority estimates that mortgage customers may be owed compensation of £120 million to £160 million.
He is a restricted free agents, however, and teams signing them would owe compensation of up to five first-round draft choices.
Consequently, private individuals who extracted these natural resources owed compensation to their original 'owner' (the monarch).
What would it cost the parish if 12 people started doing the math, adding up day upon day, year upon year for which Clyde was owed compensation?
'If he's got all that loot, he owes me compensation.'