Of this, they owe commercial banks around $335 billion.
About half of Argentina's $60 billion foreign debt is owed private banks.
The very poor African countries also owe foreign commercial banks about $6 billion, on which repayment terms have already been eased.
Earlier this year, the country stopped payments on the $5 billion it owes private banks.
There's still the huge debt problem of the developing countries, which owe international agencies and commercial banks more than $1 trillion.
Both countries owe banks about $6 billion in interest.
Mexico owes commercial banks over $50 billion but it has few dollars to give them.
Brazil owes other governments and commercial banks about $108 billion.
It later disclosed that the partnership owed banks more than $80 million.
With housing prices having fallen 7.9% since November 1991, these homeowners now owe banks and building societies more than their house is worth.