Worse, the letter said she owed $93.32 more for interest at 1 percent a month.
We owe it to the event to be, at the very least, natural and precise.
"But no matter who they are, people do owe you some courtesy at parties."
Apparently I had agreed to take the drink he owed me at the party.
"Most students learn how much money they owe at their exit interview," he said.
But they still owed $133.1 billion at the end of November, the latest figure available.
The campaign still owed nearly $250,000 to the bank at the time.
I also owe thanks to the many people at Knopf who helped.
In dollar terms, consumers owed no more at year's end than they had two months earlier.
For example, assume that an individual is likely to owe $100,000.00 in taxes at death.