The experience was overwhelmingly successful with novice traders ending up making $100 million.
The process did not always go smoothly, but the end product proved overwhelmingly successful.
The new campus was overwhelmingly successful, leading to the launch of other strategically placed campuses throughout the city.
The tour to support this record was overwhelmingly successful but ended with a considerably controversial concert in Chicago that ultimately led to the band's breakup.
The fact is that all the current research shows the CI to be an overwhelmingly successful way forward.
The overwhelmingly successful public relations blitz targeted American children and taught an entire generation about the pitfalls of drug use.
In a world of ever-growing complexity, the simple approach had proved overwhelmingly successful.
The last great German strategic operation, initiated five days before, had proved overwhelmingly successful.
The loss stung so much that the Islanders did not want to reflect on their overwhelmingly successful season.
The small loan project has been overwhelmingly successful in helping people who were refused loans at all the major banks to set up their own businesses.