Listening to these folks, you would never know that the face of extreme old age is overwhelmingly poor, disabled and female.
Callers, overwhelmingly poor people of color, think their lives are entirely pre-scripted and want to be told what to do.
The student population at the high school is overwhelmingly poor and undereducated.
Similar scenes were reported across the nation today as the overwhelmingly poor majority of Haiti's six million people broke out in celebration.
In the countries where the various versions played, critical reaction was overwhelmingly poor.
Her students, who are overwhelmingly poor and black, eat fresh fruit and veggie burgers.
And the people served are overwhelmingly poor.
The defendants are overwhelmingly poor and almost exclusively black.
Though he was pleased by her fierce resolution in the face of such overwhelmingly poor odds, Dom could not help laughing.
The city's public schools, overwhelmingly poor and minority, were recently described by the Secretary of Education as the worst in the nation.