He suddenly felt the almost overwhelming temptation to pull the car off the road and kiss Bridie.
Looking at myself and my neighbors, I'm not so sure that hedonism is an overwhelming temptation.
He himself was fighting an almost overwhelming temptation to sit down and rest.
She began to close the drawer again, and then capitulated to that overwhelming temptation.
I knew the overwhelming temptation to free them both, regardless of their identity.
The headache dissolved away, and he experienced an overwhelming temptation to fall asleep.
For many with modest prospects, the deal was an overwhelming temptation.
But the French experience seems to demonstrate that there is something to be said for zeal in the face of overwhelming temptation.
Ryan had an almost overwhelming temptation to send the arrogant young man off to buy the farm.
But other domestic issues present an overwhelming temptation to play politics.