In middle age or later, being overweight increases the risk for developing osteoarthritis in the knee.
Being overweight increases the risk of developing symptoms, so women are advised to determine their ideal weight and maintain it.
Being overweight increases a person's risk of vascular disease, a known cause of erectile dysfunction.
Being overweight, obese or severely obese increases the risk by a factor 2.1, 3.6 and 8.6, respectively.
Being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing diabetes substantially.
Being overweight increases the risk for developing clots.
Research shows that a child's risk of being overweight increases with every extra hour spent in front of the TV.
A new study suggests that being overweight increases the risk of brain functioning problems in already at-risk retired professional football players.
Being overweight increases the risk of any surgery, including joint replacement.
Being overweight increases the risk of high blood pressure.