An overweight girl is teased for being fat.
An overweight girl in her late teens sat on a stool behind the counter reading a copy of Allure.
Ada: A slightly overweight girl who was a friend of Lulu.
Freddy and the other boys' sexual assault on a slightly overweight girl, also made for uncomfortable viewing.
A couple of days later, he returned along with his bride, a girl seemingly much older as well as overweight than he was.
A short-haired and overweight blonde girl was moving toward the door.
Underweight girls tend to menstruate late, if at all, and overweight girls do so early.
Jessica the overweight girl who couldn't run 10 minutes, let alone 10 miles, when she started.
The story is about an overweight girl who undergoes extreme plastic surgeries to become a pop sensation.
Recently, for example, she used funds to buy an exercise bike for an overweight girl with developmental disabilities.