"In other words" may be the most overused phrase in the book.
Any city sees the Olympics as a chance to change its status, to become, in the overused phrase, "world class."
The title - which was not his invention - has become one of the most overused phrases in marketing.
'Blood money' was the politicians' poe-faced and overused phrase, more accurate than they probably knew.
Whatever the total, it will be a lot, more than enough to redefine the overused phrase "media blitz."
"Role model" might be the most overused phrase in the current sports lexicon.
"I know it's an overused phrase, but 'they got the message.' "
Chief among those goals was for the rich world to finally put muscle behind that overused phrase "level the playing field," when it comes to trade.
It's an overused phrase but some of our songs are the soundtrack of people's lives.
Expect the unexpected is an overused phrase, but here it is sound advice, or perhaps fair warning.