Emotional growth is experienced but never overtly stated in "Two Cities."
It has depended on a series of allusions to man and nature, history and legend in which the politics is often obscure, suggested but never overtly stated.
Typical themes are the need for revolution, freedom (of expression) and the implied or overtly stated superiority of the writers over the status quo.
The content in the parenthesis causes the Polish sentence to be ungrammatical as who did the knocking cannot be overtly stated.
McConkie's earlier statements on the topic, like those of other church leaders, implied or overtly stated that the priesthood restriction would never be lifted.
The Kutadgu Bilig is structured around the relations between four main characters, each representing an abstract principle (overtly stated by the author).
No thesis is overtly stated, but some thoughts are developed consistently throughout.
Though it's not often overtly stated, there is an undercurrent of nationalism in some of the feelings and comments here.
Note that none of this is stated overtly.
That was the covert caveat of George Steele's suggestion, neither hidden nor overtly stated.