Police overtime pay comprised the majority of overtime expenses at $97,200.
The Police Department's overtime expenses amounted to $35.4 million, roughly $21 million more than the budget called for.
Since the cost of high overtime expenses produces new budget gaps, they could result in a reduction in the city's services.
The town selectmen submitted a bill for overtime expenses and cleanup costs, and last Friday they received their check.
The city has underestimated its overtime expenses by $82 million to $260 million in every fiscal year since at least 1993.
Agency heads running unplanned overtime expenses are required to meet personally with the Mayor.
Mr. Rose conceded that some of the office's personnel expenses might include overtime expenses for emergency workers.
Among the funds that the panel found he took wrongfully were $685,000 in overtime expenses and $329,000 to pay his family's credit card bills.
They could help reduce soaring overtime expenses by giving up some paid holidays and vacation time, at least for new employees.
Over the past two years, the department has been plagued by excessive overtime expenses and accusations of corruption.