Unlike the bitter election of 1983, overt appeals to racism were generally absent from this campaign.
This overt appeal to buyers' psychology is not new.
Besides, the importance of the black vote in New York would make it difficult for candidates to make an overt racial appeal.
Ultimately, it was Katie's overt sexual appeal that sent her home.
Most of these analysts do not expect any candidate to make overt appeals to race or racism in the closing days of the campaign.
Without overt appeal to metaphor, the design projects a vision of taut, athletic bodies merging with or emerging from the sea.
After a campaign largely free of overt racial appeals on either side, most voters said that race was not a factor in whom they voted for.
ESPN is now trying an overt appeal to high schools.
In any event, he adds, it was fearful that too overt an appeal to blacks would endanger gains among whites, particularly conservative Democrats.
Now, policy details frequently eclipse poetic flourishes, and overt appeals for votes take center stage as the moment of decision nears.