Balatoni wrote market reports in addition to mailing or personally carrying money sent by overseas relatives to their needy families.
In terms of individual reasons, there are family influence (overseas relatives), and personal preference: preference for exploring, ambition for an improved career, etc.
Also, he said, overseas relatives send home $600 million to $700 million a year.
In 1917, as depositors withdrew nearly $3 million to send to overseas relatives caught in the war, the State Banking Department took over Sender Jarmulowsky's bank, too.
Her father decides to send her to live with overseas relatives she has never met.
While rich in mineral resources, the northwest lacks the entrepreneurial tradition of coastal areas, as well as their wealth of overseas relatives and other links.
More liberalized emigration policies enacted in the 1980s facilitated the legal departure of increasing numbers of Chinese who joined their overseas Chinese relatives and friends.
Most others are overseas relatives of recent legal immigrants.
Remittance money sent from overseas relatives contributed tremendously in the reconstruction of the city as well as entrepreneurial spirit of local residents and citizens throughout the Somaliland region.
Nile crocodiles, which can grow 22 feet long, still prey on rural Africans while their overseas relatives eat two or three Americans and Australians a year.