He also painted hangings for overseas missionaries and decorations on fans before he enrolled in art school.
McGavran's words were written for overseas missionaries who would be encountering people who knew nothing about Jesus, but they resonated powerfully in America.
In 1956, Abraham was sent to the Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham to lecture on Pastoria and Church Ethics for overseas missionaries.
They were the first congregation founded in the United States to send overseas missionaries.
It originally catered primarily to the children of overseas missionaries.
Roughly three of every four Australian overseas missionaries by this time were women who Eliza had helped recruit and train.
However with the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949 it became difficult for overseas missionaries to penetrate the mainland.
The new Vanuatu government's desire to see schools run by local people rather than overseas missionaries led to the appointment in 1986 of Silas Buli, from nearby Vanuu (Waterfall village), as principal (1986-2009).
Roy Scarsbrook, joined and followed Humphrey Vellacott in September 1983 staying until August 2000, emphasising evangelism and eventually becoming one of a group of supported overseas missionaries, as he went to Poland.
Several overseas missionaries soon learnt of this new movement and, after studying their new teachings and praying earnestly for the Holy Spirit, they also received baptism of the Holy Spirit.