The Chinese engaged in large-scale production for overseas export by at least the time of the Tang.
High-technology products account for about 70 percent of Colorado's $5 billion in annual overseas exports.
The Wanderer brand was chosen in 1911 for overseas exports and was soon adopted for domestic sales.
The frame was available in rear rigid format, but the more common option was the then new plunger suspension, specifically designed for overseas export.
Western Australia's overseas exports accounted for 46% of the nation's total.
A separate 659 kilometre liquids pipeline runs southwest to Port Bonython, South Australia for overseas export.
About 85 percent of the national crop is crushed into frozen concentrate for overseas export.
America's private sector is similarly mixed: Large corporations with overseas exports are at least partly converted, but most small businesses still use the English system.
When it proved sufficiently popular for overseas export, it was quickly developed into the current GSX 1400.
For this reason, more than 95% of Howa's M1500 are produced in stripped down form for overseas export.