He also developed a strong interest in overseas exploration.
In a prepared statement, Nader Sultan, deputy chairman of Kuwait Petroleum, said the company had become less interested in overseas exploration and production.
Portuguese sailors were at the vanguard of European overseas exploration, discovering and mapping the coasts of Africa, Asia and Brazil, in what become known as the Age of Discovery.
In 1578, Queen Elizabeth I granted a patent to Humphrey Gilbert for discovery and overseas exploration.
Ignoring potentially low-return domestic opportunities for higher risk, but much more lucrative overseas exploration, Triton offset its expensive exploration costs with large finds in Thailand, France, and Australia.
Mike Libbey, the manager of media relations, said some employees who faced layoffs would be given an opportunity to train for jobs in expanding parts of the company, primarily in overseas exploration.
As a result of overseas exploration, new varieties were brought back to Europe, mostly in the form of seeds and bulbs, which were better able to survive long ocean voyages.
His translations of the geographic works of other writers helped foster a spirit of overseas exploration in Tudor England.
The deal is also in line with a shift in exploration plans that began in 1992, when Texaco, worried about political obstacles to overseas exploration, began to pay more attention to its domestic fields.
Vermigli, was, after all, very interested in overseas exploration.