More than 18,000 flight attendants declined to join in the buyout, and the plan did not include roughly 3,500 overseas employees.
The firm, at 14 Wall Street, has eight other offices in this country and overseas and 1,100 employees.
Many companies do not discuss with overseas employees what their role will be after the overseas assignment ends.
You should try to obtain a certificate of good conduct and any other references from potential overseas employees.
Most of the cuts announced yesterday will be in overseas employees, said Peter Dalpe, a company spokesman.
He said it was difficult to find homes for overseas employees who were on temporary stints in the New York office.
There is also the potential for overseas employees to lose touch with business trends back home.
Inquire about pay, of course, but also ask how the home office communicates with its overseas employees.
Medical evacuation, long offered by multinationals for overseas employees, has become virtually impossible.
During this time, the number of overseas employees reached three times the personnel in Iceland.