There was also concern that the contract did not contain strong enough language regarding the use of overseas contractors, negotiators said.
This places the responsibility on the UK business which receives the goods for processing and away from the incidental involvement of carriers, Project Management Offices or overseas prime contractors.
Many political experts have asserted that the party raises funds by skimming money from overseas contractors in both the West and the Soviet Union.
Since virtually every domestic aircraft maker already owns simulators - there are fewer than 30 systems combined - future sales are expected to come from overseas military contractors, Mr. Kilner said.
And 30,000 machinists were on strike, trying to keep their jobs from being sent to overseas contractors.
Instability in the region could threaten deliveries, they argue, and pose a risk to the safety of people who monitor the overseas contractors and place the orders with factories.
Fil-Cartoons, a frequent overseas contractor for Hanna-Barbera, was utilized for series 1, while Moving Images International animated for series 2-4.
This includes, not exclusively, service dependents and overseas contractors sponsored by the British Army.
The reauthorization versions have also required the federal government to terminate all contracts with overseas contractors involved in human trafficking or forced labor.
Lisa Pineau of Plano, Tex., lost her job as a programmer of large mainframe computers in November 2002, as the work was taken over by an overseas contractor.