Employees are likely to be concerned about how they will fit back into the system on returning from an overseas contract.
Whilst good prospects remain in its traditional areas of business, the company also secured a number of major overseas contracts during the year.
Whether your business needs to make ongoing payments or has to negotiate one large overseas contract, exposure to currency movement is inevitable.
Despite having many overseas contracts, Furness still managed to have some time for the local community and its affairs.
South Korean construction companies signed over US$7 billion of overseas contracts in 1989.
Japanese machine tool companies, for example, are beginning to bid more aggressively for overseas contracts.
Will they get too homesick to endure a 3- to 12-month overseas contract?
Lucent also said it lost a big chunk of a major overseas contract but would not identify the customer.
He would go on to work as an operations lead for Sikorsky Aircraft with other overseas contracts.
On overseas contracts local labour would be used if it were available, but the work was often done or supplemented by British workers.