By 1901, attendances reached 5,000, and the first overseas competitor, an American athlete, took part.
If that continues, it will mean that American companies have to pay more for capital - either equity or debt - than overseas competitors.
If we tax and regulate business more than their overseas competitors they will either go bust or relocate.
Loss of American manufacturing jobs to overseas global competitors has removed many middle skill jobs.
Under pressure from overseas competitors, the industry has been in decline for decades, and that slide has accelerated.
Americans lost dominance of their own market because overseas competitors were more aggressive in developing designs and technologies.
Improved ability to compete with overseas competitors was also claimed.
Both have fallen on harder times in recent years, wounded by slumping steel prices and costs that were often higher than those of overseas competitors.
The plant was closed in the mid-1980s as domestic labor and production costs rose sharply against overseas competitors.
Unfair and trade distortive subsidies provided by foreign governments to overseas competitors.