One reported a disconnection with the physical world coinciding with an overriding need to flee.
Lawyers and litigants offer a variety of reasons, including an overriding need for personal vindication and a commitment to their own belief in "academic freedom."
The old brain has an overriding need for security, which is why so many abused wives defend their husbands and return to them.
He seems to have an overriding need to organize others, often against their will, into new groupings, with himself always at the top of the reporting structure.
"There's an overriding need for accurate, timely information."
Regarding her character, she said, "She has an overriding need to control, mainly to control herself."
He has said that because Comcast does not have an overriding strategic need for Disney, he can walk away from the deal.
It was not out of a desire to shield his nephew, but rather an overriding need to maintain calm.
Mr. Chiles said that he wanted more military spending, too, but that there was an overriding need to reduce the deficit.
An agentmight attempt a kill under such conditions; the Loop indicted that this particular agent had an overriding need for more discreet manners.