Yes, it's me - 4 days ago garnett might be the most overrated player of his generation.
The overrated players include three Olympians and several maximum-salary players.
Who is the most overrated player in the NHL?
Vastly overrated player in my opinion and Spurs would not lose much to see him go.
We gave halak away for a bag of pucks,and kept the most overrated player in years (Price) who is slightly above avg,but far from elite.
Also, let's say it, C 'Ronaldo' is the most overrated player of all time.
Who do you feel is the most overrated player in the NHL?
Red Line - 2 days 4 hours ago Vinny is one of the most overrated players in recent history.
But one man's working class hero is another man's overrated player.
Evra is the most overrated player in prem history.