He could play like all these people, yet he still had his own overpowering personality.
Croaker went into the kitchen, as much to take a break from the overpowering personality as to slake his thirst.
His film career was short lived due to his somewhat overpowering personality, and his limited acting skills.
Finally, finding Camilla's overpowering personality unbearable, he extricates himself by agreeing to marry the milder Arabella instead.
Without some overpowering personality there to drive them, they will just go on being the same petty backstabbers trying to steal a moment's advantage.
He had an overpowering personality and tended to dominate even very strong people.
He has an egocentric and overpowering personality.
They were a single personality, massive and overpowering.
Yet her overpowering personality cannot be denied.
Wally Parr speaks of the man's overpowering personality: 'That first day', says Parr, 'he called the whole bleeding company together on parade.