After an overpowering performance by Fernandez and an overwhelming effort by Swift, something had to give.
Mr. Chaib gives an overpowering performance as the preacher, especially in the Tayloresque solos of creative distortion and dislocation.
Those who did tune in did not witness an overpowering performance.
This wasn't an overpowering performance and Rasmussen needed the home run help.
Saberhagen might have sealed his fate with his overpowering performance last night.
"Nobody could touch the 99," Gordon said of Burton's overpowering performance.
He had come off an overpowering performance at Class A ball in 1991, when he amassed 25 saves and compiled an 0.28 earned run average.
Center Steffanie Blackmon contributed 22 points in an overpowering performance by Baylor's front line.
The starting five in the Miami game were each awarded game balls for their overpowering performance against the Dolphins.
Another overpowering performance from O'Neal seemed inevitable.