The series was criticized for Bachalo's overly detailed pencils, small panels and muddy dark coloring, which sometimes made it difficult to discern what was happening.
Shane tried to lie first, but told an unbelievable, absurd, and overly detailed story.
She called David Willis and got a very long, overly detailed explanation of how to leave a message on his machine.
While overly detailed national standards are not desirable, the nation needs minimum standards in at least math and English, at several grades.
Extemporaneous preaching - preaching without overly detailed notes and sometimes without preparation.
Micromanagement also frequently involves requests for unnecessary and overly detailed reports ("reportomania").
Luis Caballero directs the piece with a choreographer's pace that hides some abrupt transitions in Carmen Rivera's overly detailed and overpopulated script.
The history of the two city statutes is both overly detailed and truncated.
Mr. Hanson slows the narrative to a solemn, funereal pace in his overly detailed discussion of the various memorials and ceremonies surrounding them.
Mr President, Commissioner, all of this information is overly detailed and convincing, and you too speak in such a convincing manner that it is almost tempting not to believe you.