Avoid asking too many questions at once, giving overly complicated instructions, and speaking negatively.
To make sure you don't buy an overly complicated system, involve the people who will use it in defining their requirements.
The overly complicated process created by Prop. 11 would make it easier to mask hidden agendas of the people behind those on the committee.
That being the case, I think you'd best explain to me just how, precisely, it is an overly complicated situation.
It is, for one thing, an overly complicated way to raise the savings rate.
Some 92 percent of those surveyed think tax laws are "overly complicated and confusing."
It seemed like an overly complicated way to bind the woman's extremities.
If this sounds like an overly complicated allegory of male privilege and the working class, that's part of the problem here.
Microsoft characterized the price model as a simplification of what had become an overly complicated corporate pricing structure.
The 2000-2006 programming period in fact proved that overly complicated rules contributed to the irregularities detected.