The bribery has cut both ways, with the city inspectors convicted in many cases of demanding payoffs in exchange for overlooking violations.
In an unrelated case a decade ago, he was convicted of bribing a Federal inspector to overlook violations in an asbestos-removal project.
But it was not long before the heavily armed guards were demanding bribes from the poor residents in return for overlooking violations.
Inspectors visited the center shortly before Matthew died and overlooked serious violations, apparently because they were unaware of proper procedure for inspections.
The officials said it was unclear whether inspectors, in return for bribes, had deliberately overlooked violations and failed to cite offenders.
Most captains will overlook minor violations if they don't interfere with overall efficiency- especially when they're seen in the context of a difficult mission.
According to the report, inexperienced officers were deliberately overlooking behavioral violations and contraband items for their own safety.
Although this report does not overlook the serious problems and violations that continue to shake the world, it is not a litany of horrors either.
The attorney general will overlook past violations.
Others performed inspections but were paid to overlook minor violations.