On the other hand I was overheard by Major Cornwall speaking with contempt of the head of the Hythe School of Small Arms and was rebuked, so that may have put me down a bit.
Even before the session began, Mr. Hatch was overheard speaking angrily to Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat of Vermont, who is the committee chairman and with whom he normally has a cordial relationship.
Later, she was overheard speaking on a public telephone to her office.
The "not" was given to any child overheard speaking Welsh, who would pass it to a different child if they were overheard speaking Welsh.
But we should not be overheard speaking English unless we simply cannot communicate our point to each other without it.
A Bosniak resident of southern Kosovska Mitrovica was murdered after being overheard speaking the Bosnian language.
Just after one of the gladiatorial events Sahak is overheard speaking about his faith in Christ's sacrificial death, and the renovation of the world by God's fire, and he is executed by Torvald for treason.
Gathered together after their surrender, the men were overheard speaking bits of Russian, a common language in former Soviet republics like Uzbekistan.
Then, government boarding schools severely punished American Indian students who were overheard speaking their own language.
Ms. Janis was overheard speaking to one of three cats in French.