An unseen jetliner's overhead pass shook the building.
An overhead pass is another fundamental passing technique.
The five-eighth passed to Willie Carne, whose overhead pass released Steve Renouf.
The overhead pass is executed similarly to the two-handed pass.
Walk along Meiji Dori Avenue (away from the intersection with Omotesando) past the overhead pass.
The overhead pass is used to pass the ball over a defender.
The overhead pass being built at the PLUS/Country Homes junction too has been way behind schedule and progress has been extremely slow.
If the ball is caught in the back half of the court, the ball must be returned with a two-handed, overhead pass.
Set or volley: (overhead pass) direct the ball to a place specifically.
Each course appears to be constructed with 3D polygons, complete with road bumps and overhead passes, resulting in a considerably large number of animation screens.