Through the use of digital automation, the station was able to operate with little if any overhead expense.
These are overhead expenses - the costs of running libraries and computer centers, the heating plant and other facilities that serve the entire university, not just research labs.
According to papers filed by prosecutors, Avco held about 100 military contracts and was permitted under some of them to charge labor costs to "overhead expenses."
"Whether the students came or not, we had overhead expenses to meet," he said.
Mr. Raymond has been instrumental in persuading other independent charities to join forces to reduce family paperwork burdens and charitable overhead expense as much as possible.
First-year earnings, helped by almost no overhead expense, amounted to $60,000.
Ensuring compliance with these laws is a significant overhead expense for larger multi-state teleradiology groups.
The branchless model provided an opportunity to operate with less overhead expense than traditional branch banks.
Of course, they got in way over their heads, taking off big fees, paying huge 'overhead' expenses, rewarding themselves handsomely.
"Let me repeat," he said, wagging his finger at the audience, "you are all a variable overhead expense."