An overgrown cemetery contains the resting place of the settlement's founder, William Pitt.
All that is visible from this old town is an overgrown cemetery and the pillars of an old bridge.
In 1936, the city decided to convert the neglected and overgrown cemetery into a park, installing a pool, a ball field and swing sets.
For his funeral, a pastor led a crowd through streets lined with open sewers to a desolate, overgrown cemetery.
THE story is a familiar one of struggle: A small group forms to reclaim a forgotten, overgrown cemetery.
The main landmarks are an overgrown Jewish cemetery and a couple of ancient radio towers.
Today, only a few building foundations and an overgrown cemetery remain.
The gates creaked; the overgrown cemetery was spooky.
The bodies were laid to rest one at a time at opposite ends of the tiny, overgrown cemetery.
I'm all for overgrown cemeteries and tangled, wistful gardens with clotheslines at the back.