The Europeans simply couldn't come in large enough numbers for their superior weapons to overcome the numerical advantage of the Indies.
Because higher profits usually follow larger market shares, it is often difficult to overcome the advantage that global competitors gain.
Others assert that it overcomes the natural advantage that employers in opposition to unionization have over their employees.
Contrariwise, as the intelligences become more advanced, further advances will become more and more complicated, possibly overcoming the advantage of increased intelligence.
But in his well-feigned flight, The Shadow overcame the advantage.
Consequently, the Indigenous peoples of the Americas had no warfare technologies that could overcome the considerable advantage provided by European horses and gunpowder weapons.
But the Devils overcame the two-man advantage for their third consecutive victory.
In the end, Governor Weld was unable to overcome the 3-to-1 Democratic advantage in voter registration.
Mr. Cuomo said last night that hard work and the right positions on the issues could overcome the Republican financial advantage.
Or are the incentives to do so too feeble to overcome the obvious advantage of the current system?