Black females must define their own sexuality in order to overcome oppression.
Walker's Appeal argued that blacks had to assume responsibility for themselves if they wanted to overcome oppression.
The system of kongsi was utilized by Cantonese throughout the diaspora to overcome economic difficulty, social ostracism, and oppression.
Nevertheless, the dancers' determination suggested a desire to overcome oppression.
The liberation theology movement that Father Aristide supports says priests must help the poor overcome misery and oppression.
Social workers have an ethical commitment to working to overcome inequality and oppression.
Set in the seventeenth century, this legend illustrates the capacity humanity has to overcome oppression.
Her message is one of overcoming foreign oppression.
According to Ellacuría, in such a context a university must do everything possible so that liberty overcomes oppression.
Omega Phi Beta struggles to overcome the injustices and oppression of women in society.