Overcoming cynicism.
In a world where overcoming poverty, inequality, greed, and cynicism will be the great human challenges of the twenty-first century, Deepak Chopra offers life-affirming suggestions for developing a more just and peaceful society.
"But," Ms. Hyde added, "the downside was that we had to overcome great cynicism."
He acknowledged that the leadership would have to overcome cynicism about some of the changes, especially those that would limit the role of judges monitoring elections and in antiterrorism laws that would allow the president to suspend civil liberties in any case deemed related to terrorism.
The golden phase of Mr. Mukherjee's career came in the 1970's, when he made some of his best-loved movies, beginning with "Anand," which portrays a cancer patient who retains his joie de vivre in the face of impending death and a doctor who overcomes cynicism after meeting him.
Inspired achievements of mankind have been realized with a focus and determination to overcome cynicism, apathy, and inaction.
But one way to overcome cynicism and exhaustion, said Dr. Andy Morgan, an associate professor of psychiatry at Yale, is with a sense of personal accomplishment.
He wants to reinvigorate a stagnant, state-dominated economy and overcome the apathy and cynicism of the Mexican people, but realizes that the entrenched and rigid political apparatus he nominally heads, with all of its vested interests, stands in his way.
My direction, what I'm drawn to, is overcoming cynicism, but in a more abstract form.