Also, there is no superior political authority which has the final say on who is responsible for what, i.e. no overarching authority over the European and national legislators.
But the King has overarching authority, with the power to dismiss ministers and even the Government.
There is no overarching authority over states.
For thousands of years, the Chinese have looked up to one overarching authority - whether emperor or commissar - to rule them with the "mandate of heaven."
With no overarching authority to regulate state behavior and ensure the safety and prosperity of all, international life could be considered somewhat precarious.
Due to the emphasis of the movement on relational church structures, and an emphasis on local autonomy, the movement does not have an overarching authority or figurehead.
Liberals also view the international system as anarchic since there is no single overarching international authority and each individual state is left to act in its own-self interest.
In his view, Judaism today is pluriform in nature: no longer is there an overarching authority which can determine correct belief and practice.
But he is far from achieving the overarching authority Sinatra wielded to stamp songs with a personal point of view.
However, authors like James Rosenau have also used "governance" to denote the regulation of interdependent relations in the absence of an overarching political authority, such as in the international system.