But there are serious doubts about whether anyone has an accurate overall tally.
The overall tally determines which six gymnasts have won the team title for their country.
The Senate charts also provide overall tallies, but not party breakdowns.
He scored seven goals the following term, taking his overall tally to 24 in just 37 starts, plus 38 substitute appearances.
Tar Heels lost with the score of 79-68 bringing their overall tally at 20-17 for 2009-10 season.
His overall tally for West Ham was 25 goals in 56 games.
(Digital sales are of course included in the overall tallies.)
However, they only had a plurality in the overall tally and coalition talks are taking place.
So disenfranchisement has no effect on the overall electoral tally.
Yet the overall tally, several Republican senators said, belied the true discontent over the direction of the war.