These circles are then placed on the projected map with an arbitrary overall scale (because of the extreme variation in scale) but correct relative sizes.
Not much in the overall scale of things.
Large numbers of low assessments in certain districts, like the Forest of Dean, were generally the mark of a lower overall scale of wealth.
Still, in the overall scale of things, it will be tiny, generating about 2 megawatts.
The change drastically affected not only overall scale but also internal proportions.
Traditional economics, with its focus on the welfare of individuals, has generally been indifferent to the overall scale of economic activity.
Astronomical scales would have to be adjusted by a few orders of magnitude, but the overall scale of time and space is still valid.
The loss of the balusters is unfortunate, but the overall scale and significance of the bridge outweighs the minor loss.
The four figures are larger in relation to the overall scale of the panel and form a more emphatic pyramid.
There should be no danger of monotony in a Handel opera even for a listener who finds difficulty in adjusting to the overall scale.