The antebellum South did pretty well producing cotton, but one might wonder if overall prosperity was extended to slaves.
By the 1850s the overall prosperity of the market for contemporary paintings had hugely increased.
Growth in the economy is going to add to these - add to the overall prosperity and wealth.
The first half of the report explains the dangers to youth, public safety, and the overall prosperity of our economy and future generations.
Muse indicated that "I believe that when we finish all these projects our people will benefit by getting good health services, education and overall prosperity."
This was a blow to the overall prosperity of the town, who now recovers through new investments.
While overall prosperity increased, productive land became harder to come by, and was often only available for those who could afford substantial rates.
Look at their economic growth, their national savings, their overall prosperity.
The economic unification of Europe has brought about a higher level of overall prosperity.
The original inspiration was the recognition that reduced trade barriers would mean greater economic opportunity, more jobs and more overall prosperity.