The overall odds of Mark Six,i.e. the probability of winning something is approximately 1:53.655.
Although the long-term overall odds may be against conglomerates, some can be worth more than the sum of their parts.
The questionnaires had boxes where jurors could put their assessments and a formula to enable them to produce the overall odds of guilt or innocence.
Any game with at least 2 matches wins; overall odds of winning a prize are 1 in 8.
The overall odds of winning were 1 in 54.
Because people know that the overall odds are 50-50, they underestimate how often three straight tails or four straight heads turn up.
The overall odds of winning any prize were 1 in 6.63.
The overall odds of winning are 1:6.6.
That changed the overall odds completely.
Overall odds of winning through May 11, 2013 were 1:16; current overall odds are be 1:17.