The other buildings within the site, although typical examples of 18th- and 19th-century vernacular cottages in their own right, are of fairly limited historical interest beyond their overall link to the Pâquet estate.
If the communication is mediated by several links in series with different bit rates, the maximum throughput of the overall link is lower than or equal to the lowest bit rate.
This corresponds to the Brunnian property of all (n 1)-component sublinks being unlinked, but the overall n-component link being non-trivially linked.
However, there are fewer overall links in total on this page, and the links that are there are subject to the whims of the news editors.
Since satellite links may be high-throughput, the overall link utilized may be below what is optimal from a technical and economic view.
The overall link between the short stories is an ambulance driving through an unnamed city.