The ethics office provides overall guidance to the executive branch in making sure conflicts of interest are prevented and high ethical standards are maintained.
When the Board developed the standards for stewardship reporting, its intention was to provide overall guidance on definitions, recognition, measurement, and minimum and recommended reporting.
Within the overall guidance of the Marine Insurance Act and the Institute Clauses parties retain a considerable freedom to contract between themselves.
The Rajya Sabha Secretariat functions under the overall guidance and control of the Chairman.
The Ministry is responsible for the release of central share of funds, policy formulation, overall guidance, monitoring and evaluation of the programmes.
The above information is general information provided for overall guidance only.
To provide overall guidance at the stage of the formulation of Five Year Plans.
The system specification represents the technical requirements that will provide overall guidance for system design.
Shoghi Effendi provided overall guidance, including in the use of Western and Eastern styles, but left the artistic details to Maxwell.
The first is the Board of Directors, responsible for the overall guidance and direction of the organization and fiscal oversight.