There is the ever present danger that insufficient overall funding will drown the potential benefit of the community care reforms.
However, for the Ground Forces, while overall funding has dramatically increased, this does not guarantee that large numbers of new systems will enter service.
By 1914 the overall funding for the Commission was 955 million marks.
The overall funding and investments in the forces will amount to $490 billion over the 20 year period of the strategy.
The bad news is that he proposes to cut overall funding for first responders.
The more inadequate that overall funding of services becomes, the more this problem will become a reality.
I am not going to come to you with a request for increased overall funding.
Looking solely at the overall funding of social care can obscure the real lives behind the numbers.
Nevertheless, overall funding remained low and by 1872 there were just 365 men "under arms".
The map below highlights some of the specific projects that have benefited from this overall funding.