The overall feel of the show was a lot darker to that of the original Broadway production.
Another issue was the overall feel of each scene; original drawings were done by several artists, resulting in various scenes having different styles.
New Attitude" - hinting a slight change in the overall feel of the show.
"Despite the different faces, the overall feel is similar to the original's," Johnston wrote.
All these stylistic elements combine to give the play an overall postmodern feel.
For this recording, Monk cut out two bars from the original music in order to speed up the overall feel of the piece.
The overall feel of this title is unique for the series.
The overall feel of the thing is great.
The development team was mindful that this innovation would change the overall feel of the game.
The ending is a bit ambiguous, but in a sense, it's supposed to be, and fits the overall feel of the project.