The 3.6 percent gain in overall exports, to $58.17 billion, helped offset a 2.8 percent increase in imports, to $67.54 billion.
There was a 43.9 percent increase in overall exports during the January to September period.
The effect was to cut Iraq's overall daily export of 2.7 million barrels by at least 40 percent.
Turkey's export market jumped from $220 million in 1981 to $2 billion in 1985, making up 25% of Turkey's overall exports.
The assembly plants account for nearly half of Mexico's overall exports, which are booming.
This amounted to 10.9 per cent of Israel's overall export of goods.
Because of this, as South Korea's overall exports grow, its imports from Japan also grow.
To be sure, overall exports are higher than they were last year.
He estimated that overall exports were up more than 30 percent for the year, compared with 20 percent growth in imports.
Lately, the decline in the export of woollen carpets has been the main reason for decrease in overall export to Germany.