Nonetheless, management ultimately agreed to a package that, with fringe benefits included, will raise overall compensation by 3.5 percent a year.
The plan authorizes the government to begin making advance payments, which could be up to one-third of the overall compensation that a family receives.
Consulting, book publishing and speaking engagements can also further add to overall compensation.
The base wage for Broadway musicians is $70,000 a year; with benefits included, their overall compensation comes to more than $90,000.
Even before adjusting for inflation, overall compensation fell when benefits are included.
But critics say the overall compensation is a pittance, particularly from a corporation like Champion.
Among the major orchestras, the issue of salaries and overall compensation has become crucial.
And third, the possibility that "larger increases in fringe benefits could put upward pressure on overall compensation."
The three companies disclose on their Web sites that such payments are a part of their overall compensation.
For the top 100 markets, the charge would be 25 percent of the overall compensation.