ColorCode 3-D, like all stereoscopic 3D technologies, does reduce the overall brightness of the viewed image.
The purpose of the painting is to show the overall brightness and size of the tail of the comet.
After normalization, the two arrays have similar overall brightness.
"It is very easy to hide large numbers of galaxies under the veil of the overall brightness of the night sky," he said.
Finally, films have become darker over time, as the overall brightness of the images on the movie screen has decreased.
When very bright scenes are displayed, the electrical charge is lowered to prevent the display from overheating; but this also cuts overall brightness.
They lead to a short-lived, significant increase in Io's overall brightness in the near-infrared.
The camera sees a very brightly lit scene and then tries to make the overall brightness of the image average gray.
The overall brightness of the star is diminished by 0.11 magnitudes due to extinction from intervening matter along the line of sight.
The overall brightness of arcs decreased since 1986.